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As an authorized Ingersoll Rand and DV Systems distributor, we have a vast selection of new compressors and parts for a wide-range of models. Give us a call so we can determine your needs, and get the exact compressor you need. If you are just wanting to add additional parts to your current setup, or need parts for maintenance; Butler Compressor II has you covered.


Check out our Ebay store to see some of our listed items!

Rotary Screw Compressors

If you are in need of extended amounts of consistently strong air flow, then a rotary screw compressor is what you need. Air compressors can overheat with prolonged use, but a rotary screw compressor is designed for long use without losing power. Call today to determine which rotary screw compressor is for you.

Piston Compressors

If your compressed air needs are limited to short periods of use, the piston compressor is what you need. Piston compressors are the most common compressor in the automotive industry. A piston compressor can overheat if it is constantly compressing air. Call today to determine if your needs can be met by a piston air compressor.


Air quality has a significant impact on both the longetivity and quality of performance with your air compressor. An air dryer removes the moisture from the your system that naturally is created from the compression of air. This moisture can shorten the lifespan of parts inside an air compressor, and even weaken the strength of air flow. Call today to get a dryer and ensure your machine's performance.


We keep most accessories and parts for all compressors in stock. Whether you need a part or repair, we have the parts and services you need to keep your compressor running. Accessories can help you get the most out of your current or new machine. Call today to discuss what parts or accessories your compressor may need.

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